
4.4 Lipids
  1. Consists of elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  2. The ratio of element hydrogen is much higher compared to carbohydrates.
Fats and oils
  • Triglycerides (3 fatty acids and 1 glycerol).
  • Each molecule of the fatty acid consists of a long hydrocarbon chain.
  • Fatty acids can be either saturated (single bond carbon atoms) or unsaturated (one or more double bond between carbon atoms).
  • Example of saturated fats: red meat, animal fats and butter.
  • Example of unsaturated fats: vegetable oils, olive oil and soybean oil.
  • Long-chained molecules.
  • Waterproof.
  • Found on the cuticle of leaves and in the sebum.
  • Main components of the plasma membrane.
  • Controls the permeability of the plasma membrane.
  • Consists of a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tails.
  • Raw material to synthesis vitamin, cholesterol and sex hormones.