
4.1 Water
  1. Consists of elements such as hydrogen and oxygen.
  2. Polar molecule.
Properties of water and its importance in a cell:
Properties Descriptions and its importance
Polarity of water
  • Inorganic compound consisting of the hydrogen(H) and oxygen(O) elements.
  • Polar molecules: shared electrons between oxygen (more electronegative).
  • Produces hydrogen bonds and allows water to act as a universal solvent.
Cohesive force and adhesive force of water
  • Water molecules are attached to each other through a cohesive force.
  • Water molecules attached to other surfaces through adhesive force.
  • Both forces produce a the capillary action which allows water to enter and move along narrow spaces.Ex: xylem tube.
Specific heat capacity
  • Water has a high specific heat capacity of 4.2 kJ kg-1 °C-1 .
  • 4.2 kJ of heat energy is required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by 1°C.
  • Water absorbs a lot of heat energy with a small rise of temperature.
  • Maintain body temperature of organisms.