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Health Foods and Health Supplements
Health Foods and Health Supplements
Health Foods and Health Suplements
Healths foods
Natural food substances in a normal diet that maintain health and do not contain chemicals substances
Health suplements
National Food Safety Policy
Enforces by Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health
This policy is aimed at protecting the public from
risks of consuming food and drinks which endanger the health
fake health foods and health supplements
The Drug Control Authority (DCA)
is entrusted to register and monitor health supplements and traditional medicine before being marketed
The Malaysian government monitors food quality through the
Food Act 1983
Food Regulations 1985
Food Act 1983
to protect the public from dangers of health and fraud related to the preparation, sale and use of food, as well as any matters related to them
Food Regulation 1985
to help the public obtain food that is safe, of good quality, clean and free from any poisonous contaminants
Food label
Name of food
The name of food must be clear, accurate and not confusing
Nutritional quality
Shows the nutritional quality of the product
List of ingredients
Ingredients used in the product listed according to weight in descending order
Nutritional label
Information about the nutritional content of the product
Statement of food additive
All permitted food additives such as preservatives, colouring, flavouring, additional flavours, antioxidants, and conditioners should be stated
Storing instruction
Follow the recommended storing instructions
Statement on quantity/ weight/ volume
Statement on the net weight or volume or minimum quantity of contents
Manufacturing information
Name and address of manufacturer/packaging/agent (including imported product)
Expiry date
Make sure that the chosen food is not past its expiry date.
Health Foods and Health Supplements
Health Foods and Health Suplements
Healths foods
Natural food substances in a normal diet that maintain health and do not contain chemicals substances
Health suplements
National Food Safety Policy
Enforces by Food Safety and Quality Division, Ministry of Health
This policy is aimed at protecting the public from
risks of consuming food and drinks which endanger the health
fake health foods and health supplements
The Drug Control Authority (DCA)
is entrusted to register and monitor health supplements and traditional medicine before being marketed
The Malaysian government monitors food quality through the
Food Act 1983
Food Regulations 1985
Food Act 1983
to protect the public from dangers of health and fraud related to the preparation, sale and use of food, as well as any matters related to them
Food Regulation 1985
to help the public obtain food that is safe, of good quality, clean and free from any poisonous contaminants
Food label
Name of food
The name of food must be clear, accurate and not confusing
Nutritional quality
Shows the nutritional quality of the product
List of ingredients
Ingredients used in the product listed according to weight in descending order
Nutritional label
Information about the nutritional content of the product
Statement of food additive
All permitted food additives such as preservatives, colouring, flavouring, additional flavours, antioxidants, and conditioners should be stated
Storing instruction
Follow the recommended storing instructions
Statement on quantity/ weight/ volume
Statement on the net weight or volume or minimum quantity of contents
Manufacturing information
Name and address of manufacturer/packaging/agent (including imported product)
Expiry date
Make sure that the chosen food is not past its expiry date.
Chapter : Nutrition and Food Technology
Topic : Health foods and supplements
Form 5
View all notes for Science Form 5
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