World of Microorganisms

1.1 World of Microorganisms
Classification of Microorganisms.
Classification of microorganisms
Bacteria Characteristic


Size 0.2 µm - 10 µm 
Shape Coccus, bacillus, spirilla, vibrio
Nutrition Autotrophic, saprophytic, parasitic
Habitat Air, water, soil, food, bodies of other organisms

Asexual: binary fission

Sexual: conjugation

Example Bacillus sp., Vibro sp.


Fungi Characteristic


Size 10 µm - 100 µm
Shape Spherical, filamentous
Nutrition Saprophytes, parasitic
Habitat Places with decaying matter, faeces, animal skin and food

Asexual: budding, spore formation

Sexual: conjugation

Example Mushroom, yeast


Protozoa Characteristic


Size 5 µm - 250 µm
Shape Spherical, spindle-shaped, irregular shaped
Nutrition Saprophytic, parasitic
Habitat Aquatic habitats, damp place, bodies of living organisms

Asexual: binary fission

Sexual: conjugation

Example Paramecium sp., Ameoba sp


Virus Characteristic


Size 0.02 µm - 0.4 µm
Shape Spherical, helical, polyhedral, complex
Nutrition -
Habitat Lives in living host cells, forming crystals outside living cells
Reproduction -
Example Virus influenza A


Algae Characteristic


Size 1 µm - 100 µm
Shape Spherical, oval-shaped, filamentous
Nutrition Autotrophic
Habitat Aquatic habitats, damp place

Asexual: binary fission, spore formation

Sexual: conjugation


Chlamydomonus sp. 

Spirogyra sp.


Factors that affect the growth of microorganisms
Factor Explanation

Damp conditions promote the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

In dry condition, some bacteria will form cyst or spores


Microorganisms with chlorophyll prefer light condition.

Fungi and few bacteria prefer dark condition.

Exposure to UV light can kill microorganisms.


Most microorganisms prefer 35 °C - 40 °C.

Low temperature in refrigerator reduce growth rate of microorganisms.

High temperature can kill microorganisms.

pH value

Optimum pH for most microorganisms is pH 7.

Some microorganism can live in environment with slightly acidic or alkaline.

Nutrient The growth rate of microorganisms depends on amount of nutrients.



World of Microorganisms

1.1 World of Microorganisms
Classification of Microorganisms.
Classification of microorganisms
Bacteria Characteristic


Size 0.2 µm - 10 µm 
Shape Coccus, bacillus, spirilla, vibrio
Nutrition Autotrophic, saprophytic, parasitic
Habitat Air, water, soil, food, bodies of other organisms

Asexual: binary fission

Sexual: conjugation

Example Bacillus sp., Vibro sp.


Fungi Characteristic


Size 10 µm - 100 µm
Shape Spherical, filamentous
Nutrition Saprophytes, parasitic
Habitat Places with decaying matter, faeces, animal skin and food

Asexual: budding, spore formation

Sexual: conjugation

Example Mushroom, yeast


Protozoa Characteristic


Size 5 µm - 250 µm
Shape Spherical, spindle-shaped, irregular shaped
Nutrition Saprophytic, parasitic
Habitat Aquatic habitats, damp place, bodies of living organisms

Asexual: binary fission

Sexual: conjugation

Example Paramecium sp., Ameoba sp


Virus Characteristic


Size 0.02 µm - 0.4 µm
Shape Spherical, helical, polyhedral, complex
Nutrition -
Habitat Lives in living host cells, forming crystals outside living cells
Reproduction -
Example Virus influenza A


Algae Characteristic


Size 1 µm - 100 µm
Shape Spherical, oval-shaped, filamentous
Nutrition Autotrophic
Habitat Aquatic habitats, damp place

Asexual: binary fission, spore formation

Sexual: conjugation


Chlamydomonus sp. 

Spirogyra sp.


Factors that affect the growth of microorganisms
Factor Explanation

Damp conditions promote the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

In dry condition, some bacteria will form cyst or spores


Microorganisms with chlorophyll prefer light condition.

Fungi and few bacteria prefer dark condition.

Exposure to UV light can kill microorganisms.


Most microorganisms prefer 35 °C - 40 °C.

Low temperature in refrigerator reduce growth rate of microorganisms.

High temperature can kill microorganisms.

pH value

Optimum pH for most microorganisms is pH 7.

Some microorganism can live in environment with slightly acidic or alkaline.

Nutrient The growth rate of microorganisms depends on amount of nutrients.