Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)



 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

  Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Definition CPR is an emergency aid that involves a combination of chest compressions and breathing into the mouth of the victim to restore their heartbeat and breathing
  • If an individual does not respond to stimulus
  • If an individual is not breathing
  • If an individual has no heartbeat
Caused by
  • Heart attack
  • Electric shock
  • Drowning
  • Lightning strike
  1. Check the victim's response by tapping his shoulder 
  2. Open the airway by tilting his head backwards and lift his chin.
  3. Give 30 chest compression not more than 6 cm depth to prevent rib fracture.
  4. Give mouth to mouth resuscitation to supply oxygen to the victim.
  5. Repeat CPR until the victim revive
  6. Place the victim in a recovery position to avoid the victim's tongue from blocking his airway.
  • To restore the victim's heartbeat and breathing before the ambulance arrived.
  • To save life


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)



 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

  Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Definition CPR is an emergency aid that involves a combination of chest compressions and breathing into the mouth of the victim to restore their heartbeat and breathing
  • If an individual does not respond to stimulus
  • If an individual is not breathing
  • If an individual has no heartbeat
Caused by
  • Heart attack
  • Electric shock
  • Drowning
  • Lightning strike
  1. Check the victim's response by tapping his shoulder 
  2. Open the airway by tilting his head backwards and lift his chin.
  3. Give 30 chest compression not more than 6 cm depth to prevent rib fracture.
  4. Give mouth to mouth resuscitation to supply oxygen to the victim.
  5. Repeat CPR until the victim revive
  6. Place the victim in a recovery position to avoid the victim's tongue from blocking his airway.
  • To restore the victim's heartbeat and breathing before the ambulance arrived.
  • To save life