Standard Solution


6.6  Standard Solution


Definition of standard solution
Solution with known concentration


Preparation of standard solution from a solid


1. Determine the mass of solid needed. \(n=\dfrac{MV}{1000}\)
2. Add some distilled water to the solid measured. 
3. Stir the mixture with a glass rod until all of the solid dissolves in the solution.
4. Transfer the solution into a volumetric flask using a filter funnel. 
5. Rinse the filter funnel with a little bit of distilled water. 
6. Add distilled water until the meniscus of the water nearing the calibration mark.   
7. Use a dropper to add distilled water slowly until the meniscus of the water is aligned exactly at the calibration mark. 
8. Close the volumetric flask using a stopper and shake the flask until the solution is mixed evenly. 



Preparation of standard solution using the dilution of solution

  • During dilution, the added water will change the concentration of the solution but not change the number of moles of solute present in the solution.



\(\begin{aligned} \,\\ n_1&=n_2\\ \,\\ \dfrac{M_1V_1}{1000}&=\dfrac{M_2V_2}{1000}\\ \,\\ M_1V_1&=M_2V_2\\ \,\\ \end{aligned}\)

\(M_1:\)   Molarity of aqueous solution (stock solution) before dilution 
\(V_1:\)   Volume of aqueous solution (stock solution) before dilution 
\(M_2:\)   Molarity of aqueous solution (prepared solution) after dilution 
\(V_2:\)   Volume of aqueous solution (prepared solution) after dilution 


1. Determine the volume of stock solution needed.  \(M_1V_1=M_2V_2\)
2. Take out the calculated, \(V_1\) solution using pipette. 
3. Transfer the solution \(V_1\) into a volumetric flask. 
4. Add distilled water until the meniscus of the water nearing the calibration mark. 
5. Use a dropper to add distilled water slowly until the meniscus of the water is aligned exactly at the calibration mark. 
6. Close the volumetric flask using a stopper and shake the flask until the solution is mixed evenly.