Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit

5.2  Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit
  • An electrical circuit is a complete circuit formed from connecting wires and electrical components that allow electric current to flow.
  • An electrical circuit consists of an electrical source, electrical components, connecting wires and a switch.
  • Electrical components can be connected in an electrical circuit with two types of arrangement:
  1. Series circuit
  2. Parallel circuit
Series circuit
  • A series circuit is a circuit that has one path for electrical energy to flow
  • All electrical components in a series circuit will share an electrical current

  • The more bulbs are connected, the dimmer the light of the bulb
  • If one of the bulbs burns out, the other bulb does not light up
  • Series circuit is easy to install and the power source depletes slower
Parallel circuit
  • A parallel circuit is a circuit that has two or more paths for electrical energy to flow
  • In a parallel circuit, the amount of electrical energy flows through each path is the same

  • The number of bulbs does not affect the brightness of the bulbs
  • If one of the bulbs burns out, the other bulb is still on
  • Parallel circuits are more difficult to install and the power source runs out faster


Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit

5.2  Series Circuit & Parallel Circuit
  • An electrical circuit is a complete circuit formed from connecting wires and electrical components that allow electric current to flow.
  • An electrical circuit consists of an electrical source, electrical components, connecting wires and a switch.
  • Electrical components can be connected in an electrical circuit with two types of arrangement:
  1. Series circuit
  2. Parallel circuit
Series circuit
  • A series circuit is a circuit that has one path for electrical energy to flow
  • All electrical components in a series circuit will share an electrical current

  • The more bulbs are connected, the dimmer the light of the bulb
  • If one of the bulbs burns out, the other bulb does not light up
  • Series circuit is easy to install and the power source depletes slower
Parallel circuit
  • A parallel circuit is a circuit that has two or more paths for electrical energy to flow
  • In a parallel circuit, the amount of electrical energy flows through each path is the same

  • The number of bulbs does not affect the brightness of the bulbs
  • If one of the bulbs burns out, the other bulb is still on
  • Parallel circuits are more difficult to install and the power source runs out faster