The Human Blood Circulatory System

2.2  The Human Blood Circulatory System
  • The blood circulatory system plays an important role in the human body
  • This system transports oxygen, nutrients, water and waste products such as carbon dioxide.
  • The main parts involved in the human blood circulatory system are the heart, blood vessels, blood and lungs.

Organ Description


  • The heart is an organ that pumps blood to the lungs and to all parts of the body
  • Each time the heart beats, blood is pumped in and out of the heart
  • The heart has two parts:
  1. The left side of the heart pumps blood that is rich in oxygen to the rest of the body
  2. The right side of the heart pumps blood that contains more carbon dioxide to the lungs


  • The lungs are the organs where the exchange of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide occurs

Blood vessels

  • A blood vessel is a passage tube that allow blood to flow
  • Blood vessels transport blood to all parts of the body 


  • Blood flows through a network of blood vessels to all parts of the body
  • Blood transports oxygen, nutrients, water and waste products
  • Waste products such as carbon dioxide are removed from the lungs
Human blood circulatory pathway

  • Red: (pathway) blood rich in oxygen
  • Blue: (pathway) blood rich in carbon dioxide
  • When inhaling, the air that rich in oxygen enters the lungs and is absorbed into the blood vessels
  • Blood in the circulatory pathway labeled in red is known as blood rich in oxygen
  • The heart pumps the blood that is rich in oxygen to the whole body
  • When the body uses up oxygen, carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed into the blood
  • Blood in the circulatory pathway labeled in blue is known as blood rich in carbon dioxide
  • Blood rich in carbon dioxide is transported to the heart
  • From the heart, the blood rich in carbon dioxide will be pumped to the lungs
  • When exhaling, the lungs get rid of carbon dioxide
  • This circulatory process is ongoing all the time, every time we breathe
  • Without the process of blood circulation, human beings will not be able to perform life process
  • The importance of the blood circulatory system to the body:
  1. Transports oxygen, nutrients and water into the body
  2. Transporting carbon dioxide and other waste products to be removed from the body


The Human Blood Circulatory System

2.2  The Human Blood Circulatory System
  • The blood circulatory system plays an important role in the human body
  • This system transports oxygen, nutrients, water and waste products such as carbon dioxide.
  • The main parts involved in the human blood circulatory system are the heart, blood vessels, blood and lungs.

Organ Description


  • The heart is an organ that pumps blood to the lungs and to all parts of the body
  • Each time the heart beats, blood is pumped in and out of the heart
  • The heart has two parts:
  1. The left side of the heart pumps blood that is rich in oxygen to the rest of the body
  2. The right side of the heart pumps blood that contains more carbon dioxide to the lungs


  • The lungs are the organs where the exchange of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide occurs

Blood vessels

  • A blood vessel is a passage tube that allow blood to flow
  • Blood vessels transport blood to all parts of the body 


  • Blood flows through a network of blood vessels to all parts of the body
  • Blood transports oxygen, nutrients, water and waste products
  • Waste products such as carbon dioxide are removed from the lungs
Human blood circulatory pathway

  • Red: (pathway) blood rich in oxygen
  • Blue: (pathway) blood rich in carbon dioxide
  • When inhaling, the air that rich in oxygen enters the lungs and is absorbed into the blood vessels
  • Blood in the circulatory pathway labeled in red is known as blood rich in oxygen
  • The heart pumps the blood that is rich in oxygen to the whole body
  • When the body uses up oxygen, carbon dioxide is produced and absorbed into the blood
  • Blood in the circulatory pathway labeled in blue is known as blood rich in carbon dioxide
  • Blood rich in carbon dioxide is transported to the heart
  • From the heart, the blood rich in carbon dioxide will be pumped to the lungs
  • When exhaling, the lungs get rid of carbon dioxide
  • This circulatory process is ongoing all the time, every time we breathe
  • Without the process of blood circulation, human beings will not be able to perform life process
  • The importance of the blood circulatory system to the body:
  1. Transports oxygen, nutrients and water into the body
  2. Transporting carbon dioxide and other waste products to be removed from the body