Cell Division

6.1 Cell Division
  • Karyokinesis involves the division of the nucleus.
  • Cytokinesis involves the division of the cytoplasm.
Organism cell consists of somatic and gamete cell:

Somatic cell

  • Body cells apart from gametes
  • Somatic cells are produced through the mitosis process
  • It contains a diploid number of chromosomes, that is, each cell contains two sets of chromosomes or 2n. In human somatic cells, 2n=46
  • In diploid cells, one set of chromosomes originate from the male parent (paternal chromosomes), another set is from the female parent (maternal chromosomes)

Gamete cell

  • Gametes are reproductive cells
  • Gametes are produced through the meiosis process
  • It contains a haploid number of chromosomes, that is, each cell contains one set of chromosomes or n.In human gametes, n=23