
5.2   Inheritance

1. Inheritance: The transmission of certain characteristics from the parents to the children.

2. Genes control certain characteristics in an organism.

3. Allele: a pair of genes at the same locus 

  • Type of allele
    • Dominant allele
    • Recessive allele
  • The characteristics are usually controlled by dominant allele and characteristic from recessive allele will be covered.
  • Dominant allele - represented by capital letter
  • Recessive allele - represented by small letter


Genotypes Example of alleles
Homozygous dominant TT (normal trait)
Homozygous recessive tt (very rare trait)
Heterozygous Tt (normal trait)
5. Schematic diagram of Mendel's Law
6. Schematic diagram of sex determination
  • The father determines the gender of the offspring because:
    • Sperm carries sex chromosome x and y while ovum only carries chromosome x