Mechanism of Blood Clotting


10.4 Mechanism of Blood Clotting

Importance of the mechanism of blood clotting:

  • Prevent the entry of pathogean
  • Maintain blood pressure
  • Prevent excessive blood loss
  • Maintain the blood flow in the closed circulatory system
Mechanism of blood clotting:
Mechanism of blood clotting
Platelet in contact with fibres exposed to the damaged blood vessel
Platelet will clump at the site of injury and produce thrombokinase
Inactive prothrombin converted to active thrombin by thrombokinase
Thrombin then will convert soluble fibrinogen to insoluble fibrin filament
Fibrin filament forms a sticky network and traps red blood cell
Blood clot is formed
Issues of blood clotting:
Cause diseases such as: 


  • A genetic disease that caused by lacking of blood clotting factors.
  • Translated through sex-linked genes in chromosome X. 
  • Can cause excessive and prolonged blood loss.
  • treatment: treated through injection of factor VIII or IX and genetic engineering. 


  • A disease caused by the blood clot that form in the blood vessels. 
  • The blood clot is known as thrombus. 
  • Can narrow the blood vessels; interrupt the blood flow; can cause heart attack. 
  • If the blood clot prevent the blood flow in the brain, it can cause stroke and paralyse.
  • Treatment: treated with aspirin, hrparin or warfarin.


  • A disease caused by embolus that cause the arteries to clog..
  • Embolus is the blood clot that flow in the blood flow. 
  • Can narrow the blood vessels; interrupt the blood flow; can cause heart attack. 
  • Treatment: treated with aspirin, hrparin or warfarin.