
9.5 Defaecation 
This image explains the defaecation process and is divided into five sections:  Function of the Large Intestine: Absorbs water and vitamins (e.g., Vitamin B, K, and folic acid) and forms faeces from undigested food, dead cells, and waste. Absorption Process: Water and minerals are absorbed, and byproducts from bacteria (e.g., Vitamin B and K) are also absorbed. Formation of Faeces: Faeces consist of waste, dead cells, bile pigments, and bacteria. Mucus smoothens the movement of faeces. Defaecation Process: Rectum muscles contract to push faeces out through the anus. Movement of Faeces: Takes 12-24 hours to reach the rectum, and pressure triggers the need to expel faeces. The center highlights the word DEFAECATION and the logo Pandai.
Function of The Large Intestine
  • After the absorption of nutrients is completed in the ileum, undigested food, dead cells, epithelial cells, fibre and water enter the large intestine and move slowly through peristaltic action.
  • Fibre consists of cellulose walls of plant cells.
  • The large intestine carries out two main functions:
    • Absorption of water and vitamins.
    • Formation of faeces.
Absorption of Water and Vitamins
  • Substances absorbed are
    • Water and mineral salts
    • Metabolic byproducts of some bacteria such as:
      • Vitamin B
      • Vitamin K
      • Folic acid
Formation of Faeces
  • After the water is absorbed, the remaining waste is a semisolid called faeces.
  • Faeces contains dead cells from the inner layer of the intestine, waste products such as bile pigments, bacteria and toxic substances.
  • The walls of the large intestine secrete mucus to smoothen the movement of faeces until the anus.
  • The movement of faeces takes about 12 to 24 hours before entering the rectum.
  • The faeces will accumulate in the rectum until the pressure in the rectum increases and triggers the need to expel faeces from the body.
  • The rectum muscles will contract to expel faeces from the anus.
  • This process is called defaecation.


9.5 Defaecation 
This image explains the defaecation process and is divided into five sections:  Function of the Large Intestine: Absorbs water and vitamins (e.g., Vitamin B, K, and folic acid) and forms faeces from undigested food, dead cells, and waste. Absorption Process: Water and minerals are absorbed, and byproducts from bacteria (e.g., Vitamin B and K) are also absorbed. Formation of Faeces: Faeces consist of waste, dead cells, bile pigments, and bacteria. Mucus smoothens the movement of faeces. Defaecation Process: Rectum muscles contract to push faeces out through the anus. Movement of Faeces: Takes 12-24 hours to reach the rectum, and pressure triggers the need to expel faeces. The center highlights the word DEFAECATION and the logo Pandai.
Function of The Large Intestine
  • After the absorption of nutrients is completed in the ileum, undigested food, dead cells, epithelial cells, fibre and water enter the large intestine and move slowly through peristaltic action.
  • Fibre consists of cellulose walls of plant cells.
  • The large intestine carries out two main functions:
    • Absorption of water and vitamins.
    • Formation of faeces.
Absorption of Water and Vitamins
  • Substances absorbed are
    • Water and mineral salts
    • Metabolic byproducts of some bacteria such as:
      • Vitamin B
      • Vitamin K
      • Folic acid
Formation of Faeces
  • After the water is absorbed, the remaining waste is a semisolid called faeces.
  • Faeces contains dead cells from the inner layer of the intestine, waste products such as bile pigments, bacteria and toxic substances.
  • The walls of the large intestine secrete mucus to smoothen the movement of faeces until the anus.
  • The movement of faeces takes about 12 to 24 hours before entering the rectum.
  • The faeces will accumulate in the rectum until the pressure in the rectum increases and triggers the need to expel faeces from the body.
  • The rectum muscles will contract to expel faeces from the anus.
  • This process is called defaecation.