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Compare and contrast respiratory structures in humans and animals
Types of Respiratory System
Types of Respiratory System
The ratio of total surface area to volume (TSA/V) depends on the size of the organism.
The bigger the size of the organism, the smaller the ratio of total surface area to volume.
This means that for large and complex organisms, the volume of the body that requires oxygen will increase more than its total surface area.
This explains why large and complex organisms cannot maintain gaseous exchange by diffusion through body surface only.
Large organisms require a special respiratory structure for the efficient exchange of gases.
Adaptations of Respiratory Structures For Efficient Exchange of Gases In Big Organisms
Large ratio of total surface area to volume (TSA/V) for the efficient exchange of respiratory gases.
A thin respiratory structure that is one cell thick, allows the diffusion of respiratory gases to occur.
The surface of the respiratory structure is always moist for respiratory gases to dissolve in them.
The respiratory structure is complete with a network of blood capillaries (except for insects), that allows for the efficient delivery of respiratory gases.
The Insect Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
There are small pores in the thorax and abdomen of insects called spiracles.
The spiracle allows the intake of air into the air tube system, which is the tracheal system.
The trachea branches out to form finer tubes called the tracheole.
Tracheole is the respiratory surface.
The tracheole has the following characteristics that allow for efficient respiratory gaseous exchange:
A large number of tracheoles provides a large total surface area for the exchange of gases.
The tracheole wall is thin and moist.
This allows oxygen gas to diffuse into the cells while carbon dioxide quickly diffuses out of the cells into the tracheole.
Some insects have air sacs in their trachea system.
This sac is filled with air to speed up the delivery of respiratory gas during active body movements.
The breathing system of insects is the tracheal system is as follows:
The Fish Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
The respiratory structure of fish is the gills.
The gills are made up of a line of filament that is supported by the gill arch.
The following characteristics of filament enable the rapid exchange of respiratory gases.
The filament has many thin and flat projections called lamella (plural: lamellae).
A large number of filaments and lamellae gives a large total surface area for an efficient gaseous exchange process.
The lamella membrane is thin and supplied with many blood capillaries for easy absorption and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The Frog Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
In an inactive state, the frog uses its skin for gaseous exchange.
The skin is thin and highly permeable to respiratory gases.
The moist skin allows respiratory gases to dissolve in it.
Beneath the skin, there are many networks of blood capillaries to transport respiratory gases.
The surface of the lungs is folded to increase the total surface area for the exchange of gases.
The thin lung membrane eases the diffusion of respiratory gases.
The moist lung walls enable respiratory gases to dissolve in them.
The lungs are also rich with a network of blood capillaries to transport respiratory gases.
The Human Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
The human respiratory structure is the alveolus which has the characteristics for efficient respiratory gaseous exchange.
A large number of alveoli provides a large total surface area for the diffusion of respiratory gases.
The alveolus wall is always moist.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide can dissolve easily, and diffuse through the walls into the blood capillaries.
The alveolus is surrounded by a large network of blood capillaries to hasten the diffusion of respiratory gases.
The thin alveolus wall, that is as thick as one cell, makes the diffusion of gases much easier.
Comparison and Contrast of Respiratory Structures in Humans and Animals
All respiratory structures have a large ratio of total surface area to volume for an efficient exchange of respiratory gases.
All respiratory structures are thin and this makes the diffusion of respiratory gases much faster.
All respiratory structures are moist and this allows respiratory gases to dissolve in them.
The respiratory structure is complete with a network of blood capillaries (except insects), that allows for efficient transport of respiratory gases.
Respiratory Structure
How The Large Ratio of TSA/V For The Respiratory Structure is Achieved
Insect: Tracheole
Large number of tracheoles
Fish: Filament and lamella
Large number of filaments and lamellae
Frog: Skin and lungs
The surface in the lungs is folded and the overall skin surface
Human: Alveolus
Large number of alveoli
Types of Respiratory System
Types of Respiratory System
The ratio of total surface area to volume (TSA/V) depends on the size of the organism.
The bigger the size of the organism, the smaller the ratio of total surface area to volume.
This means that for large and complex organisms, the volume of the body that requires oxygen will increase more than its total surface area.
This explains why large and complex organisms cannot maintain gaseous exchange by diffusion through body surface only.
Large organisms require a special respiratory structure for the efficient exchange of gases.
Adaptations of Respiratory Structures For Efficient Exchange of Gases In Big Organisms
Large ratio of total surface area to volume (TSA/V) for the efficient exchange of respiratory gases.
A thin respiratory structure that is one cell thick, allows the diffusion of respiratory gases to occur.
The surface of the respiratory structure is always moist for respiratory gases to dissolve in them.
The respiratory structure is complete with a network of blood capillaries (except for insects), that allows for the efficient delivery of respiratory gases.
The Insect Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
There are small pores in the thorax and abdomen of insects called spiracles.
The spiracle allows the intake of air into the air tube system, which is the tracheal system.
The trachea branches out to form finer tubes called the tracheole.
Tracheole is the respiratory surface.
The tracheole has the following characteristics that allow for efficient respiratory gaseous exchange:
A large number of tracheoles provides a large total surface area for the exchange of gases.
The tracheole wall is thin and moist.
This allows oxygen gas to diffuse into the cells while carbon dioxide quickly diffuses out of the cells into the tracheole.
Some insects have air sacs in their trachea system.
This sac is filled with air to speed up the delivery of respiratory gas during active body movements.
The breathing system of insects is the tracheal system is as follows:
The Fish Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
The respiratory structure of fish is the gills.
The gills are made up of a line of filament that is supported by the gill arch.
The following characteristics of filament enable the rapid exchange of respiratory gases.
The filament has many thin and flat projections called lamella (plural: lamellae).
A large number of filaments and lamellae gives a large total surface area for an efficient gaseous exchange process.
The lamella membrane is thin and supplied with many blood capillaries for easy absorption and transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The Frog Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
In an inactive state, the frog uses its skin for gaseous exchange.
The skin is thin and highly permeable to respiratory gases.
The moist skin allows respiratory gases to dissolve in it.
Beneath the skin, there are many networks of blood capillaries to transport respiratory gases.
The surface of the lungs is folded to increase the total surface area for the exchange of gases.
The thin lung membrane eases the diffusion of respiratory gases.
The moist lung walls enable respiratory gases to dissolve in them.
The lungs are also rich with a network of blood capillaries to transport respiratory gases.
The Human Respiratory Structure and Its Adaptations
The human respiratory structure is the alveolus which has the characteristics for efficient respiratory gaseous exchange.
A large number of alveoli provides a large total surface area for the diffusion of respiratory gases.
The alveolus wall is always moist.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide can dissolve easily, and diffuse through the walls into the blood capillaries.
The alveolus is surrounded by a large network of blood capillaries to hasten the diffusion of respiratory gases.
The thin alveolus wall, that is as thick as one cell, makes the diffusion of gases much easier.
Comparison and Contrast of Respiratory Structures in Humans and Animals
All respiratory structures have a large ratio of total surface area to volume for an efficient exchange of respiratory gases.
All respiratory structures are thin and this makes the diffusion of respiratory gases much faster.
All respiratory structures are moist and this allows respiratory gases to dissolve in them.
The respiratory structure is complete with a network of blood capillaries (except insects), that allows for efficient transport of respiratory gases.
Respiratory Structure
How The Large Ratio of TSA/V For The Respiratory Structure is Achieved
Insect: Tracheole
Large number of tracheoles
Fish: Filament and lamella
Large number of filaments and lamellae
Frog: Skin and lungs
The surface in the lungs is folded and the overall skin surface
Human: Alveolus
Large number of alveoli
Chapter : Respiratory System in Humans and Animals
Topic : Compare and contrast respiratory structures in humans and animals
Form 4
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