Subtract Values of Money

4.3  Subtract Values of Money
  RM 40 RM 30  

What is the difference in price between the book and the pen?

\(RM 4 0 - RM 3 0 = RM 10\)

\(\begin{array} {rr} \space\space\space\\ \space\space\text{RM }4\space0 \\-\space\space\text{RM }3\space0 \\\hline\space1\space0 \\\hline \end{array}\)


Subtract Values of Money

4.3  Subtract Values of Money
  RM 40 RM 30  

What is the difference in price between the book and the pen?

\(RM 4 0 - RM 3 0 = RM 10\)

\(\begin{array} {rr} \space\space\space\\ \space\space\text{RM }4\space0 \\-\space\space\text{RM }3\space0 \\\hline\space1\space0 \\\hline \end{array}\)