Percentage in savings and investments
Situation 1
Kevin saves RM1 000 in a bank. The bank gives an interest rate of 0.5% for the savings. Calculate the interest for his savings and the total amount of money that he will have.
The interest
\(RM1\ \space0\space0\space0\times0.5\%=\\ RM1\ \space0\cancel{\space0\space0}\times\dfrac{0.5}{1\cancel{\space0\space0}}=RM5 \)
The total amount of money including the interest
\(RM1\space\space0\space0\space0+RM5=RM1\space\space0\space0\space5 \)
Situasi 2
Encik Raihan received a cheque of RM2 500 as payment for his shop’s rental in January. He deposited it in his bank account and received an interest rate of 0.8% per month. Calculate the amount of money at the end of the month.
\(\begin{aligned}\small{\color{red}4}\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\\ \dfrac{RM\cancel{20}}{RM\cancel{2\ 500}}\times100\%=\dfrac{4}{5\cancel{00}}\times1\cancel{00}\%\\ \small{\color{red}{500}}\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\quad\space\space\\ =0.8\%\quad\quad\quad\\ \end{aligned}\\ \)
Percetage in daily situations
Vasanti obtained 85% in a test. There were 60 questions in the test. How many questions did Vasanti answer wrongly?
The number of questions answered wrongly:
\(\begin{aligned}\small{\color{red}{17}}\quad\space\space\space\small{\color{red}3}\quad\space\quad\quad\\ \dfrac{\cancel{85}}{\cancel{10}\cancel0}\times\cancel6\cancel0=51\\ \small{\color{red}\cancel2}\quad\quad\quad\space\space\space\quad\quad\\ \small{\color{red}1}\quad\quad\quad\quad\space\space\space\quad\end{aligned}\\\)
The number of questions answered correctly:
Situation 2
In 2014, the number of tourists who visited Malaysia was 25.6 million. In 2015, the number of tourists increased by 4%. In 2016, there were 30 million tourists. What was the increase in percentage in 2016 compared to 2015?
The number of tourists in 2015:
\(\space\space\space\space25.6\ million+4\%\times25.6\ million\\=25.6\ million+\dfrac{4}{100}\times25.6\ million\\ =25.6\ million+1.024\ million\\ =26.624\ million\)
The increase in the number of tourists in 2016:
\(\space\space\space\space30\ million-26.624\ million=3.376\ million\\\)
The increase in percentage:
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