Health Issue Related to the Endocrine System

12.7 Health Issue Related to the Endocrine System
Hormonal imbalances can occur in humans when endocrine glands secrete hormones less or more than normal quantity.

Growth hormone

The effect of deficiency: Dwarfism

The effect of over secretion: Gigantism



The effect of deficiency: Cretinism, hypothyroidism and myxedema

The effect of over secretion: Hyperthyroidism



The effect of deficiency: Diabetes Mellitus and high sugar in the blood

The effect of over secretion: low sugar in the blood, dizzy, irregular and high heart rate


Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

The effect of deficiency: Diabetes insipidus and body lose more water

The effect of over secretion: 

Kidneys reabsorbed more water and produce less urine, 

Accumulation of water in the body leads to oedema



The effect of deficiency: Addison disease

The effect of over secretion: Cushing syndrome



The effect of deficiency: Reduces Na+ ion; more water been removed from kidneys and lowers the blood pressure

The effect of over secretion: Increases Na+ ion; increases water reabsorption in kidneys; increases the blood pressure



The effect of deficiency: Inhibit reproductive organ in adult

The effect of over secretion: Early physical maturity in children



The effect of deficiency: Disrupt body's ability to face fight and flight

The effect of over secretion: 

Increase blood pressure

Increases blood sugar level; causing the glucose to be secreted in the urine



The effect of deficiency: Fatigue

The effect of over secretion: Hyperactive



The effect of deficiency: Miscarriage

The effect of over secretion: Prevent contraction of uterus muscles during birth



The effect of deficiency: Prevent the development of secondary sexual characteristics in female

The effect of over secretion: Cause edema and pre-menstruation syndrome


The effect of deficiency:

Prevent the development of secondary sexual characteristics in male

Cause erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle tension

The effect of over secretion: 

Hair loss, edema, increase in muscle mass, liver disease, increase blood pressure, and cholesterol level

Reduce fertility