Bab 2 : Reading Skills
Topik dalam bab ini
1. Able to apply knowledge of sounds of letters to recognise words in linear and non-linear texts
2. Able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning
3. Able to read independently for information and enjoyment.
4. Alphabet
5. Colour
6. Days of the Week
7. Family Members
8. Greeting
9. Months of the Year
10. Nature
11. Number
12. Occupation
13. Part of The Body
14. Reading Comprehension
15. Shape
16. Simple Past Tense
17. Simple Present Tense
18. Sound
19. Sport
20. Synonym and Antonym
21. Time
22. Topic With Theme
23. Vocabulary
Nota Ringkas
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Latihan untuk bab ini
Kad Imbas
- Antonyms starting with letter A - Set 1
- Antonyms starting with letter A - Set 2
- Antonyms starting with letter B - Set 1
- Antonyms starting with letter B - Set 2
- Antonyms starting with letter C - Set 1
- Antonyms starting with letter C - Set 2
- Antonyms starting with letter D - Set 1
- Antonyms starting with letter D - Set 2
- Antonyms starting with letter E - Set 1
- Antonyms starting with letter E - Set 2
- Synonyms starting with letter A - Set 1
- Synonyms starting with letter A - Set 2
- Synonyms starting with letter B - Set 1
- Synonyms starting with letter B - Set 2
- Synonyms starting with letter C - Set 1
- Synonyms starting with letter C - Set 2
- Synonyms starting with letter D - Set 1
- Synonyms starting with letter D - Set 2
- Synonyms starting with letter E - Set 1
- Synonyms starting with letter E - Set 2
Ujian Topikal
- 01 Adjective - Set 01
- 01 Adjective - Set 02
- 01 Adjective - Set 03
- 02 Alphabet - Set 01
- 02 Alphabet - Set 02
- 02 Alphabet - Set 03
- 02 Alphabet - Set 04
- 02 Alphabet - Set 05
- 02 Alphabet - Set 07
- 02 Alphabet - Set 08
- 02 Alphabet - Set 09
- 02 Alphabet Set - 06
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 01
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 02
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 03
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 04
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 05
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 06
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 07
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 08
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 09
- 03 Identify Object and Sound - Set 11
- 03 Identify Object or Sound - Set 10
- 04 Noun - Set 01
- 05 Numbers - Set 01
- 05 Numbers - Set 02
- 05 Numbers - Set 03
- 05 Numbers - Set 04
- 05 Numbers - Set 05
- 05 Numbers - Set 06
- 05 Numbers - Set 07
- 05 Numbers - Set 08
- 05 Numbers - Set 09
- 06 Punctuation - Set 01
- 06 Punctuation - Set 02
- 07 Question and Response - Set 01
- 07 Question and Response - Set 02
- 08 Reading Comprehension - Set 01
- 09 Sentence - Set 01
- 09 Sentence - Set 02
- 10 Spelling - Set 01
- 10 Spelling - Set 02
- 10 Spelling - Set 03
- 10 Spelling - Set 04
- 10 Spelling - Set 05
- 10 Spelling - Set 06
- 10 Spelling - Set 07
- 10 Spelling - Set 08
- 10 Spelling - Set 09
- 10 Spelling - Set 10
- 10 Spelling - Set 11
- 10 Spelling - Set 12
- 10 Spelling - Set 13
- 10 Spelling - Set 14