Chapter 6: Linear Law
What you need to learn in this chapter

In this chapter, we will be learning about linear and non-linear relations.
We will understand the difference between the two by analyzing tables of data and graphs.
We will also learn about the linear law and how it applies to various situations.
We will practice drawing lines of best fit for graphs of linear relations, both with and without the use of digital technology.
By the end of this chapter, we will be able to differentiate between linear and non-linear relations and apply the linear law to solve problems.
Topics in this chapter
Live Tuition Recordings

Hukum Linear dan Tak Linear, Hubungan dan Aplikasi juga Kertas SPM 2017 P1 Q19
Tutor: Cikgu Jon
23 Jul 2022
08:00 pm

Hukum Linear, membentuk Garis Lurus Penyuaian Terbaik dan Tafsirannya juga Kertas SPM 2016 P1 Q16
Tutor: Cikgu Jon
16 Jul 2022
08:00 pm

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