Quantity intuitively

1.1  Quantity Intuitively

State the quantity by comparing.

Many Few
  • Based on the picture, there are 5 cars and 3 cars.
  • To compare, 5 cars are more than 3 cars.
  • Meanwhile, 3 cars are less than 5 cars.
Not Equal
  • Based on the picture, the total number of carrots is 4, which is equal.
  • Meanwhile, the number of stars is not equal.

Quantity intuitively

1.1  Quantity Intuitively

State the quantity by comparing.

Many Few
  • Based on the picture, there are 5 cars and 3 cars.
  • To compare, 5 cars are more than 3 cars.
  • Meanwhile, 3 cars are less than 5 cars.
Not Equal
  • Based on the picture, the total number of carrots is 4, which is equal.
  • Meanwhile, the number of stars is not equal.