Problem Solving

4.4  Problem Solving

Find the duration, in centuries and years, between \(6\frac{7}{10}\) centuries and \(9.8\) centuries.

To find the duration, the smaller term will be subtracted from the bigger terms.
\(9.8\text{ centuries} - 6\frac{7}{10}\text{ centuries}=\Box\text{ centuries }\Box\text{ years}\)

We need to standardize the unit of all terms.
\(6\frac{7}{10}\text{ centuries}\to6.7\text{ centuries}\)

\(9.8\text{ centuries} - 6.7\text{ centuries}=\Box\text{ centuries }\Box\text{ years}\)
\(\begin{array}{lr} &9.8\text{ centuries}\\ -&6.7\text{ centuries}\\ \hline&3.1\text{ centuries}\\\hline \end{array}\)

Convert \(3.1\) centuries to centuries and years.
\(3.1\text{ centuries}\to3\text{ centuries}+(0.1\times100)\text{ years}\)
\(3.1\text{ centuries}\to3\text{ centuries}\,10\text{ years}\)


The effective date of the Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase 1 in Malaysia is from 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020. How long, in days, is the MCO Phase 1?


Start Date: 18 Mac 2020
End Date: 31 Mac 2020

Because the date is in the same month, then we can do a simple subtraction operation.
\((31-18)+1=14\text{ days}\)

Therefore, the MCO Phase 1 is 14 days long.


Problem Solving

4.4  Problem Solving

Find the duration, in centuries and years, between \(6\frac{7}{10}\) centuries and \(9.8\) centuries.

To find the duration, the smaller term will be subtracted from the bigger terms.
\(9.8\text{ centuries} - 6\frac{7}{10}\text{ centuries}=\Box\text{ centuries }\Box\text{ years}\)

We need to standardize the unit of all terms.
\(6\frac{7}{10}\text{ centuries}\to6.7\text{ centuries}\)

\(9.8\text{ centuries} - 6.7\text{ centuries}=\Box\text{ centuries }\Box\text{ years}\)
\(\begin{array}{lr} &9.8\text{ centuries}\\ -&6.7\text{ centuries}\\ \hline&3.1\text{ centuries}\\\hline \end{array}\)

Convert \(3.1\) centuries to centuries and years.
\(3.1\text{ centuries}\to3\text{ centuries}+(0.1\times100)\text{ years}\)
\(3.1\text{ centuries}\to3\text{ centuries}\,10\text{ years}\)


The effective date of the Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase 1 in Malaysia is from 18 March 2020 to 31 March 2020. How long, in days, is the MCO Phase 1?


Start Date: 18 Mac 2020
End Date: 31 Mac 2020

Because the date is in the same month, then we can do a simple subtraction operation.
\((31-18)+1=14\text{ days}\)

Therefore, the MCO Phase 1 is 14 days long.