Foreign Currency

3.5 Foreign Currency

We will learn to recognise the currencies of other countries.


Let’s look at foreign currency values compared to one ringgit.


The values vary according to current exchange rates.

Country Currency Exchange Rate
United States of America Dollar 0.238
Canada Dollar 0.317
France Euro 0.219
Russia Ruble 15.539
South Korea Won  286.51
Saudi Arabia Riyal  0.895
Great Britain  Pound Sterling 0.194
China Renminbi 1.705
Japan Yen 25.823
Bangladesh Taka 20.148
India Rupee 16.963
Australia Dollar 0.356

Foreign Currency

3.5 Foreign Currency

We will learn to recognise the currencies of other countries.


Let’s look at foreign currency values compared to one ringgit.


The values vary according to current exchange rates.

Country Currency Exchange Rate
United States of America Dollar 0.238
Canada Dollar 0.317
France Euro 0.219
Russia Ruble 15.539
South Korea Won  286.51
Saudi Arabia Riyal  0.895
Great Britain  Pound Sterling 0.194
China Renminbi 1.705
Japan Yen 25.823
Bangladesh Taka 20.148
India Rupee 16.963
Australia Dollar 0.356