Main Processes of the Earth

9.3  Main Processes of the Earth
Main Processes


  • Occurs on Earth's surface
  • Examples: Weathering, erosion , mass and land depletion, transport and sedimentation


  • Process of rock fragmentation and decomposition or decay due to changes in temperature, rainwater, frosting and microorganisms.


  • Process of eroding of the Earth's surface moving agents (water, wind and waves)

Mass and land depletion

  • Involves soil movement from the top of a slope to below as a result of gravititonal force

Transport and sedimentation

  • Weathered and corroded materials are moved by agents. 
  • The materials will be sedimented whent the velocity of the agents decreases.


  • Caused by forces from within the Earth
  • Forms and changes the Earth's surac.
  • Examples: Mantle convection process, magma activity and Earth's crust movement (Plate Tectonics)

Mantle convection

  • High temperature in the mantle and the cire of Earth produces convection currents in the atmosphere layer.

Magma activity

  • Volcano is a vent on the Earth's crust that allows molten and hot magma to flow out thriugh it in a strong eruption.

Plate Tectonics

  • The Earth's crust is divided into several pieces of plates. 
  • These plates constantly move resulting in collision and divergence which produce various landforms in Earth and continental drifts.


Main Processes of the Earth

9.3  Main Processes of the Earth
Main Processes


  • Occurs on Earth's surface
  • Examples: Weathering, erosion , mass and land depletion, transport and sedimentation


  • Process of rock fragmentation and decomposition or decay due to changes in temperature, rainwater, frosting and microorganisms.


  • Process of eroding of the Earth's surface moving agents (water, wind and waves)

Mass and land depletion

  • Involves soil movement from the top of a slope to below as a result of gravititonal force

Transport and sedimentation

  • Weathered and corroded materials are moved by agents. 
  • The materials will be sedimented whent the velocity of the agents decreases.


  • Caused by forces from within the Earth
  • Forms and changes the Earth's surac.
  • Examples: Mantle convection process, magma activity and Earth's crust movement (Plate Tectonics)

Mantle convection

  • High temperature in the mantle and the cire of Earth produces convection currents in the atmosphere layer.

Magma activity

  • Volcano is a vent on the Earth's crust that allows molten and hot magma to flow out thriugh it in a strong eruption.

Plate Tectonics

  • The Earth's crust is divided into several pieces of plates. 
  • These plates constantly move resulting in collision and divergence which produce various landforms in Earth and continental drifts.