Steps in a Scientific Investigation

1.6  Steps in a Scientific Investigation

Science process skills:

  • Observing
  • Classifying
  • Measuring and using numbers
  • Making inferences
  • Interpreting data
  • Using time-space relationships
  • Communicating
  • Predicting
  • Defining operationally
  • Controlling variables
  • Making a hypothesis
  • Experimenting

Scientific method:

  1. Identify a  problem
  2. Construct a hypothesis
  3. Control variables
  4. Plan an experiment
  5. Conduct the experiment
  6. Collect data
  7. Analyse and interpret data
  8. Make a conclusion
  9. Write a report


Steps in a Scientific Investigation

1.6  Steps in a Scientific Investigation

Science process skills:

  • Observing
  • Classifying
  • Measuring and using numbers
  • Making inferences
  • Interpreting data
  • Using time-space relationships
  • Communicating
  • Predicting
  • Defining operationally
  • Controlling variables
  • Making a hypothesis
  • Experimenting

Scientific method:

  1. Identify a  problem
  2. Construct a hypothesis
  3. Control variables
  4. Plan an experiment
  5. Conduct the experiment
  6. Collect data
  7. Analyse and interpret data
  8. Make a conclusion
  9. Write a report