Basic Concept of Matter


Definition of Matter
Tiny and discrete particles


 Basic Concept of Matter


Type of particles

  • Matter can be divided into two;
    • Element
    • Compound
  • Element: substances that only consist of one type of atom, such as pure iron metal.
  • Compound: substances that consist of more than one element that form a molecule.
  • A compound is made up of either molecules or ions.
  • An example of a compound is carbon dioxide, \(CO_2\) where there are two types of elements in one molecule. 
  • Atom: smallest and indivisible particles of an element. 
  • Molecule: compound made up of two or more atoms (different or same kind of atoms). 
  • Ion: particles that carry charges [cation(+) or anion(-)]. 


Physical states of matter





Arrangement of particle

Packed very closely

Packed closely but have empty space between them

Particle very far apart

Movement of particles

Vibrate at a fixed position

Move randomly and slowly

Move randomly and rapidly at all directions

Kinetic energy


High on average

High speed

Rate of diffusion






The changes of state of matters



  • Solid is heated, the particles obtain energy and vibrate at a faster rate.
  • The vibration keeps increasing as the temperature increase until it reaches the melting point.
  • At the melting point, the particles obtain enough energy to overcome the attractive forces between the particles.
  • Therefore, the matter in solid state changes to a liquid.
  • During melting, the temperature remains constant. This is because the heat energy is used to break the bond


  • Occurs in two conditions: either evaporation or boiling.
  • Evaporation occurs only on the surface of the liquid and at a slower rate. 
  • Boiling occurs to the whole liquid and happens very fast. 
  • Both will cause the attractive forces between particles to break and change the state from liquid to gas.


  • Temperature drops and the heat energy is released.
  • As the heat is released, the kinetic energy decreases, the movement of particles are slower and the particles are pulled closer by the strong forces between particles.
  • Therefore, the physical state of the matter will change from liquid to solid.
  • The temperature stays at the freezing point because the heat is released constantly.


  • A process by which a gas or vapour changes to liquid state at a certain temperature.
  • When the temperature drops, the gas loses its kinetic energy, and therefore it will change the physical state of matter to the liquid.
  • Condensation occurs at or below the boiling point of the substance


  • A process of conversion of a substance from the solid to the vapour state without its becoming liquid.

The melting point of naphthalene 

Heating curve of naphthalene


  • The particle are very closely packed together in an orderly manner
  • The force between the particles is very strong.


  • The naphthalene is heated the energy is converted to kinetic energy
  • The temperature increase, the kinetic energy increase and the molecules vibrate faster about their fixed position.


  • The naphthalene molecules have received enough energy to overcome the force of attraction between them.
  • Some of the molecules begin to move freely.
  • The naphthalene starts to melt and changes into a liquid.


  • Naphthalene exists in both state, solid and liquid.
  • The temperature remains constant because the heat is used to overcome the force of attraction.
  • The constant temperature is called the melting point.


  • The napthalene has turned into liquid completely


  • The naphthalene is in the liquid state
  • The temperature keeps increasing and gain more energy.
  • The particle is then moving faster because the kinetic energy is increasing.

The freezing point of naphthalene

Cooling curve of naphthalene


  • The substance exists in the gaseous state
  • Have very high energy and moving randomly
  • The intermolecular force is weak.


  • The particles lose kinetic energy during cooling,
  • The particle getting closer to each other and the temperature drops.


  • The substance is still in the gas state
  • The gas begins to condense and become liquid.


  • Stronger bonds form as gas change into a liquid.
  • The substances exist both in gas and liquid.
  • The energy produced during the formation of bonds is equal to the heat released to the surroundings during cooling. 
  • This is known as the freezing point. 


  • The substances exist fully in the liquid state


  • The temperature keeps decreasing, causing the naphthalene molecules to lose heat energy.
  • The movement of the particles slow down and move close to each other.