
12.3 Mutation
Types of mutagen:
Physical agents Chemical agents Biological agents
  • Ultraviolet from the sun
  • Ionising rays such as X-ray,alpha ray and beta ray
  • Carcinogen in cigarette smoke
  • Food preservatives
  • Formaldehyde
  • Benzene
  • Virus
  • Bacteria

Types of mutation:

  • Gene mutation
  • Chromosome mutation

Gene mutation:

  • Gene mutations occur when there is a change in the nucleotide base sequence in a gene
  • Gene mutations are also known as point mutations. These changes alter the genetic code used for amino acid synthesis.
  • As a result, the structure of the produced protein changes and the new protein synthesized is unable to function.
  • Gene mutations occur through base replacement, base deletion and base insertion
  • Gene mutations cause genetic diseases such as thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, albinism and hemophilia
Examples of genetic disease:
Types of gene mutation Examples of disease
Base substituition Sickle cell anaemia
Base insertion Cystic fibrosis
Base deletion Thalasemia

Chromosome mutation:

  • Chromosome mutations involve changes in the structure of chromosomes or changes in the number of chromosomes.
  • Chromosomal mutations can cause characteristic changes in an organism.
  • Changes in chromosomal structure involve changes in the arrangement of genes on a chromosome.
  • Changes in the structure of chromosomes cause abnormalities in those chromosomes.
  • This condition of abnormality is called chromosomal aberration.
  • The types of changes in chromosomal structure are such as disappearance, multiplication, inversion and translocation


  • A part or a segment of chromosome is deleted or lost (loss of a few genes)


  • A part of a chromosome is copied which causes repetition og gene sequence


  • A segment of chromosome is reversed end to end at 180 degree then rejoin (change in DNA sequence of chromosome)


  • Part of the chromosome is cut,then join to another non-homologous chromosome