Dihybrid Inheritance


11.2 Dihybrid Inheritance
  1. Studies of two pairs of alleles that control two contrasting traits/characters.
  2. Example: the seed shape and the seed colour.
  3. The original parents denote as P generation.
  4. The result of the parental cross appeared as the F1 generation.
  5. The plants of F1 generation allowed to cross-pollinate to produce the F2 generation.

Mendel's Second Law:

  • During gamete formation,each allele from a pair of alleles can combine randomly with any allele from another pair of allele

Summary of Mendel dihybrid inheritance:

  • New combinations of characteristics are produced in the F2 generation namely constricted yellow seed and round green seed
  • Two characteristics (seed shape and colour) are combined on F1 generation but later they seperate and react freely in F2 generation