
8.2 Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity has three levels: ecosystem diversity,species diversity and genetic diversity

Ecosystem diversity:

  1. Various types of ecosystem create various habitats for organisms
  2. Examples:
  • Tropical forests
  • Mangrove forests
  • Rivers
  • Marine

Species diversity:

  1. Various organisms with different species that lives in a particular ecosystem
  2. Examples:
  • Seaweedes
  • Corals
  • Lobster
  • Crabs 
  • Sharks

Genetic diversity:

  1. Various genetic combinations that existed in a species
  2. Examples:
  • Population of grouper fish with various genetic combination

Importance of ecosystem diversity:

  • To have various habitats for organisms
  • To balance biogeochemical cycles such as carbon cycle and water cycle
  • To provide various food sources for humans and other organsims
  • To provide sources of medicine,research and construction for humans
  • Places for recreational activities
  • To give aesthetic value to humans

Importance of species diversity:

  • To provide various food sources for humans and other organisms
  • To provide sources of medicine,research and construction for humans 
  • To have an equilibrium interspecific interaction in an ecosystem

Importance of genetic diversity:

  • To have a species which consists of different genetic combination
  • To provide research source to humans
  • To increase variations of a species
  • To increase survival of a species