Cosine Rule


Cosine Rule

Cosine rule


\(\begin{aligned} a^2&=b^2+c^2-2bc \cos A \\\\ b^2&=a^2+c^2-2ac \cos B \\\\ c^2&=a^2+b^2-2ab \cos C \end{aligned}\)




In the diagram, \(ABC\) is a scalene triangle.

Find the length of \(AC\).


\(\begin{aligned} AC^2&=AB^2+BC^2\\&\quad-2(AB)(BC) \cos 40^\circ \\\\ &=25^2+23^2\\&\quad-2(25)(23) \cos 40^\circ \\\\ &=273.05 \\\\ AC&=16.52 \text{ cm}. \end{aligned}\)

\(\blacksquare\) Cosine rule can be used to find the unknown angles or sides of a triangle when
  1. Two sides and an included angle are known
  2. Three sides are known

\(\blacksquare\) Included angle is the angle between two sides.

\(\angle C\) is the included angle between sides \(a\) and \(b\).