Chapter 3: Fractions and Decimals
What you need to learn in this chapter

In this chapter, we will be learning about fractions and decimals. We will start by understanding proper fractions, which are fractions where the numerator is smaller than the denominator. We will learn to identify and state proper fractions with 1 as the numerator and denominator up to 10. We will also learn to name proper fractions with numerator up to 9 and denominator up to 10.
Next, we will move on to decimals. We will learn to convert fractions of tenths to decimals. We will also practice saying decimal numbers from zero point one up to zero point nine.
After that, we will learn how to compare fractions and decimals. We will be given different values and we will learn how to determine which is greater or smaller.
Lastly, we will apply our knowledge to solve problems involving fractions and decimals in daily situations. We will use what we have learned to solve real-life problems.
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