Chapter 5: Time
What you need to learn in this chapter

In this chapter, we will learn about time. We will start by learning about days and months. We will learn how to tell the time in a day and understand the order of events in a day. Next, we will learn about the clock face. We will learn how to identify the clock hands and understand what they mean. We will also learn about ''half'', ''quarter'', and ''three quarters'' on the clock face. Finally, we will learn how to solve problems using time in our daily life. We will practice solving problems that involve time.
Topics in this chapter
Live Tuition Recordings

Unit 5: Masa dan Waktu (5.2 Kenali Jam dan Masa, 5.3 Sebut dan Tulis Waktu)
Tutor: Teacher Dinie
10 Sep 2024
09:00 pm

Unit 5: Masa dan Waktu (5.1. Kenali Waktu, 5.2 Kenali Jam dan Minit)
Tutor: Teacher Dinie
03 Sep 2024
09:00 pm

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