Chapter 6: Light and Optics
What you need to learn in this chapter

In this chapter, we will be learning about light and optics. We will start by understanding the phenomenon of refraction of light and the concept of refractive index, which measures how much light bends when it passes through different mediums. Next, we will explore total internal reflection, which occurs when light is completely reflected back into a medium instead of being refracted out. We will also learn about the critical angle and its relationship with the refractive index. Moving on, we will study image formation by lenses, specifically convex lenses that converge light and concave lenses that diverge light. We will learn how to estimate the focal length of a convex lens using a far object. Lastly, we will delve into the thin lens formula, conducting experiments to understand the relationship between object distance and image distance for a convex lens, as well as determining the focal length of a thin lens using the lens formula. We will also solve problems involving thin lens formulas for both convex and concave lenses.
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