Chapter 1: Biodiversity
Chapter 2: Ecosystem
Chapter 3: Nutrition
Chapter 4: Human health
Chapter 5: Water and Solution
Chapter 6: Acid and Alkalis
Chapter 7: Electricity and Magnetism
Chapter 8: Force and Motion
Chapter 9: Heat
Chapter 10: Sound waves
Chapter 11: Stars and Galaxies in the Universe
Chapter 12: Solar System
Chapter 13: Meteoroid, Asteroid, Comet

Chapter 12: Solar System
Topics in this chapter

What you will learn in this topic
- Compare distances between the Sun and the planets in the Solar System using astronomical units (a.u.) and light years
- Construct a table to compare and contrast the planets in the Solar System with the Earth
- Explore the possible relationship based on the planets’ characteristics and explain the relationship including anomalies that may arise
- Reason and make analogies in hypothetical situations related to the Solar System
- Justify the Earth as the most ideal planet for life based on data collected

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