Six Daily Tasks All Teachers Should Do

Six Daily Tasks All Teachers Should Do

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Each task performed by the teacher falls under one of six categories. Many countries use this basic category when observing and assessing teachers. Categories provide a great organizational framework covering everything from design lessons to classroom management. Here are the six categories together with information and tools to help you develop and enhance your daily teaching experience.


1.   Planning, Building and Setting Directions

One of the most important parts of teaching applies before you start a lesson. Planning, building and promoting teaching is a big part of your job. If you are effective in planning lessons, you will find your daily teaching tasks easier. Unfortunately, many teachers don't have time to create memorable plans for their classrooms. This is especially true if they teach multiple subjects. However, every teacher should try to upgrade a few lessons each semester/year. This will help ensure the ingredients are fresh. 


2.   Managing and Keeping Records

For most teachers, this is some of the most annoying part of the job. They need to take the time to attend, record grades and keep up with all the necessary cleaning and record keeping tasks. How you handle these assignments says a lot about your classroom's organizational skills. With an effective and easy-to-use system, you'll be able to spend more time teaching and interacting with students and less time doing paperwork. 


3.   Managing Student Behavior

Many new teachers find that this area of ​​teaching scares them the most. However, a few tools - used properly - can help you create an effective checkpoint management base. This tool includes rules that come along with published disciplinary grounds, both of which are consistently and fairly enforced. If you are unfair or don't follow suit with your policy, you will have a hard time maintaining a successful classroom.   


4.   Expanding Subject Material

As soon as you have finished your plan, and students are sitting in the classroom waiting to teach, you are at a critical point - how are you going to lay things out? Although teachers usually determine their main mode of delivery during the planning phase, they will not actually implement this method. There are important tools that all teachers need to provide in their teaching arsenal regardless of the mode of delivery they use including verbal instructions, memorable waiting periods and valid praise. 


5.   Assessing Student Learning

All directions need to be built around assessment. When you sit down to wake up a lesson, you should start by determining how to measure whether students have learned what you are trying to teach. While direction is the meat of the course, judgment is the measure of success. Take the time to make and assess valid assessments for your students. 


6.   Community Professional Responsibilities

Each teacher must fulfill certain professional obligations depending on the school, region, country, and area of ​​certification. These responsibilities range from something as mundane as board duties during the planning period to more time-consuming tasks such as participating in professional development opportunities required for the original review. The teacher may be asked to manage the club. All of this takes time but is part of the teaching required.










Tag Task Teacher

Prior knowledge

1.  What is the common thing you always do every day as a teacher?


What is meant by managing student behavior?


1.  How to measure whether students have learned what you are trying to teach?
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