Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part One)

Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part One)

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  • Conflict usually arises whenever two individuals suggest opinions in different ways. 
  • Conflict is nothing but a fight either between two individuals or among group of members. 
  • The two individuals cannot think alike and there is a difference in their thought process as well as their understanding. Therefore the disagreements among individuals can lead to conflicts and fights. 
  • Conflict can also arise whenever individuals have different values, opinions, needs, interests and are unable to find a way to solve. 
  • It can result to heated arguments, physical abuses and definitely loss of peace and harmony. 
  • A conflict can actually change relationships. Friends can become enemy as a result of conflict.
  • Misunderstandings as well as ego clashes also lead to conflicts. Every individual has a different way to look at things and react to various situations.



Prachi (2021) mentioned that there are five phases of conflict. They are shown below:

  1. Prelude to conflict - . Lack of coordination, differences in interests, dissimilarity in cultural, religion, educational background that can lead in a conflict.
  2. Triggering Event - Conflict cannot arise on its own. There has to be an event which triggers the conflict.
  3. Initiation Phase - Initiation phase such as heated arguments, abuses, verbal disagreements are all warning alarms which indicate that the fight is ready to on.
  4. Differentiation Phase -This is the phase when the individuals voice out their differences against each other.
  5. Resolution Phase - A conflict leads to no ending. Individuals must try to compromise to some extent and resolve the conflict quickly. Discussion is always a better and wiser way to adopt rather than conflicts.



Prachi (2021) also stated that there are many ways that conflict can be prevented or avoided that are shown below:

  1. Before starting any conflict at the workplace, one should take some time out to think. Conflict does not bring any benefits. It is just a waste of time and energy.
  2. First learn to keep a control on your emotions. If any arguments occur at the workplace, do not get too hyper or overreact as it leads you nowhere. 
  3. Be a good and a patient listener. You need to listen carefully what the other person has to say and then only give your expert comments. Even if you don’t agree to his opinions or suggestions, do not just start fighting, but  instead discuss with him. Both of the individuals must try to compromise to some extent and find a solution. 
  4. Learn to keep a control on your tongue. Think before you speak. Do not unnecessarily shout on others as it does not only spoil the ambience but also brings a lot of negativity around you. You need to soften your voice while interacting with others and learn to adjust yourself with others. Try to sit with the other person and sort out your differences.
  5. Misunderstandings also lead to conflicts.  Your communication input to others at the workplace should be very clear, specific and transparent. Never play with words to avoid misunderstandings.
  6. Effective communication goes a long way in preventing conflicts. Do not always expect everyone at the workplace to understand everything. It is your moral responsibility to make everyone aware of what you exactly expect out of them.
    • Everyone has the right to state or express views and opinions especially when you are at the workplace. You have no right to criticise them. If you respect other individuals, you will get respect in return. If a conflict arises among group members; make sure you address all the participants together.
    • The issues and problems must be addressed on an open forum. Avoid personal favours and biases for a peaceful environment. Listen to each and everyone’s opinion and then only take a decision. You need to be a good leader and try to take everyone along. Keep your mind calm and composed.
    • You will not feel guilty if you have done anything wrong, instead admit it. Do not hesitate to accept your faults. Be the first one to apologize. This is because a small sorry can work wonders and prevent conflicts and unnecessary tensions.



As a conclusion you need to know that no one wins in a fight because you gain nothing out of it. Thus a conflict must be prevented at its early stages because it snatches one’s mental peace and harmony












Conflict at Workplace-Why Conflict Should be Avoided? Prachi Juneja, New Delhi,  Management Study Guide 2021



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