Formative Assesment During Covid-19 Online Learning

Formative Assesment During Covid-19 Online Learning

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  • As schools around the world have closed due to coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic since 2020 till now (and many have extended closures for the remainder of the school year), students, teachers, and parents are settling into the "new reality" for the foreseeable future.
  •  Many schools are implementing their distance learning contingency plans, and connecting students and teachers through online platforms and tools. 
  • Under these unexpected circumstances, teachers and parents have had to quickly adapt to teaching in this new reality to ensure that students engage in learning.



  • Learning assessment is a fundamental feedback mechanism in education, allowing all stakeholders of the learning process to understand what is being learned and where learning resources need to be focused. 
  • Assessment may take different modalities depending on its purpose. Along with high-stakes examinations and large-scale assessments, formative assessment is carried out by teachers in the classroom as part of the teaching process and encompasses everything from teacher observation to continuous feedback to homework. 
  • Formative assessment is particularly relevant to understand the learning needs of each and every student and to adjust instruction accordingly. 
  • In addition, teachers usually implement summative assessments whereby specific educational content is reviewed to determine the extent to which students reached the expected learning goals and acquired critical knowledge and skills.
  • Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, all modalities of learning assessment had been strongly dependent on students' physical presence – either for administration or for observing the learners' daily progress. 
  • Current school closures require development of alternative approaches to delivering the critical feedback function of learning assessment. 
  • While all types of assessment of student learning are important, the need for formative assessment right now is particularly critical because learning needs to take place outside of the physical classroom
  • At the same time, teachers and parents-turned-teachers need to understand whether students are absorbing the content that is delivered to them in formats that differ from the normal business.


  • Formative assessment can be administered in synchronous and asynchronous forms.
  •  In the synchronous form, where the teacher and the student are working together at the same time (via online platforms like Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Teams), as well as directly by phone, teachers can provide feedback to students in real time. 
  • Examples are seen that the United States has a history of combining TV instruction with synchronous phone-based connection between learners and teachers. In the 1990s, the Los Angeles Unified School District in California worked with the local TV channel to produce "Homework Hotline," an educational TV program that was paired with teachers connecting to students using a toll-free number.
  • In the asynchronous form, where students and teachers are separated by both space and time, online tools such as Google Classrooms and Moodle can help teachers to provide feedback to students through questions, tasks, activities, and quizzes. Various online applications such as Recap: Video Response and Reflection for EducationWURRLYedu, and Screencastify can be used to record performance tasks created by students and shared with teachers.
  • Parents also need specific guidance on how to communicate the results of formative assessment to teachers especially for the younger students. 
  • These instructions should be made available in electronic and/or printed form and emailed or mailed to homes or made available for pickup from the school or other designated location.

(Cited from: Are Students Still Learning During Covid-19-Formative Assessment, World Bank)



  • The answer is YES. Even in low-resource and low-connectivity contexts, formative assessment can happen during school closures. 
  • Teachers can provide feedback to students through mailed or emailed instructions and tasks. 
  • Messaging platforms (such as Messenger and WhatsApp) can also be used. There are companies that can be googled in the internet(sometimes is non- chargeable) that  making available solutions that allow teachers to design, deliver, and track multiple-choice and short answer assessments through text messaging. 
  • Direct phone calls between teachers, students, and parents can also be utilized even under lockdowns. "Homework hotline can be used prior to COVID-19 to provide feedback to students and parents, to support learning.  
  •  In addition, homework hotlines have been created to support students with print disabilities during COVID-19, as demonstrated by National Homework Hotline for Blind/Visually Impaired Students (NHH-BVI).



  • Irrespective of how formative assessment is communicated, it needs to be valid, timely, constructive, and specific to the learning needs of the child. 
  • The validity element is linked to the alignment of assessment content with the knowledge. The student content should have acquired as part of the learning process. 
  • The timeliness aspect refers to the opportunity use of the assessment to take quick action and provide remedial support if needed. 
  • The constructiveness element refers to the assessment's capacity to deliver feedback to the student and for the student to gain information that helps him or her identify misunderstandings, get guidance on how to improve, and understand the goals of the learning process. 
  • Finally, the specificity of formative assessment implies its ability to inform teachers and students about whether specific learning goals are being achieved or reached, and what is needed in case they are not there yet. 
  • Teachers and parents need to be empowered with resources and means to conduct formative assessment in line with these elements, even in low-resource or remote environments.

(cited from: Are Students Still Learning During Covid-19-Formative Assessment, World Bank)



  • Various resources can be used by teachers and parents to support formative assessment in the context of COVID-19. 
  • Some examples of applications for formative assessment use include DreamBox Math (which provides math instruction based on performance and enables teachers to create targeted activities using the AssignFocus option), Questbase (a free online tool to create quizzes compatible with most browsers and IOS), and Woot Math (a free application that automatically generates and assesses thousands of problems to meet each student's learning needs). 
  • In low-resource contexts, where connectivity and access to smart devices cannot be taken for granted, printed materials can be developed to support early reading skills for younger children, and to provide support for teachers and families.
  • Even though in many places it is currently not possible for teachers and students to come together in the same space, it is necessary for teaching and learning to continue to avoid learning losses and to stay on track in decreasing learning poverty
  • Formative assessment can help all students to continue along their learning trajectory, providing them, their parents, and their teachers with the necessary information to support the learning process, albeit from a distance.

 (cited from: Are Students Still Learning During Covid-19-Formative Assessment, World Bank)


Disclaimer: The resources in this article are provided for reading informational purposes only. The Ministry of Education (MOE), Malaysia does not endorse any of the tools, companies, or applications mentioned in the article.





  1. Are Students Still Learning During Covid-19-Formative Assessment. Published on Education for Global Development



Tag online learning Formative Assessment Covid-19 Teachers


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