Cut and Paste - Creative Way To Learn Pictograph

Cut and Paste - Creative Way To Learn Pictograph

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In primary school level education, pictograph being put under the topic of data handling. Pupils are having mix reaction while learning this topic. Some are greatly having positive reaction towards teacher pedagogical skills in teaching this topic while some others are having the contradict reaction. Thus, teachers’ way of teaching this topic will leave impact to pupil’s understanding of this topic. 

Pictograph is a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. Collected data in statistics are represented by using icons. This representation is using charts in which icons are used to represent numbers (collected data). 


Cut and Paste Activity

To do this activity, teacher can provide the necessary context. For example, referring to Diagram 1, the context given is Puan Joyah apple’s sale. So, in ‘cut and paste’ activity, teacher can guide pupils to search for apple’s pictures. The templet can be given to the pupils by using handout. Make sure to make the space for pupils to paste the pictures are big enough to paste the cut pictures. 


Diagram 1: Use this templet in the given handout.


Using Reusable Materials

In cut and paste activity, teacher can promote reusable materials to be used. Pupils can collect old newspaper, old magazines, flyers, or commercial handouts and try to search for apple pictures and used it in this activity. However, the basic principle of pictograph is all icons must be of the same size, but a fraction of an icon can be used to show the respective fraction of that amount. Since this is a cut and paste activity, it is impossible to get many of the cut pictures are in the same size. So, by loosen up this principle, any apple pictures can be used as long as it is apple picture. This will boost and enhance student creativity by doing this cut and paste activity. 


Diagram 2: Paste the apple picture according to context given by the teacher.


The teacher needs to state the legend for the pictograph. Legend is necessary to guide pupils to answer the follow up question that will be given to the pupils after this cut and paste activity.

Diagram 3: Pupils paste the cut apple pictures on the given handout.


The follow up questions can be done after this cut and paste activity depending on the teaching and learning session time frame allocated. Use another handout for the follow up questions.



Keywords: Sekolah Rendah, Pengurusan data


Tag Sekolah Rendah

Prior knowledge

1.  How can teachers provide a creative way of learning to pupils in learning pictograph?
2.  List out difficulties to teach pupils the topic of pictograph?


What context being used in the example given?


1.  Explain briefly how pupil’s creativity can be triggered by this cut and paste activity in learning pictograph?
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