Addition of time

5.4  Addition of time
Place visited Time spent
Bird Park 3 hours
Butterfly Park 2 hours
Crocodile Park 1 hours

What is the total time spent on the visit?

Mathematical sentence: \(3\space\text{hours}\space+\space2\space\text{hours}\space+\space1\space\text{hours}\space=\underline{\quad\quad}\,\text{hours}\)

\(\begin{array} {rr} \\\space3\;\;\text{hours} \\\;\;\;\space2\;\;\text{hours} \\+\;\;\;\space1\;\;\text{hours} \\\hline\;\;\;\space6\;\;\text{hours}\\\hline \end{array}\)

So, the total time spent on the visit is  6 hours.



Addition of time

5.4  Addition of time
Place visited Time spent
Bird Park 3 hours
Butterfly Park 2 hours
Crocodile Park 1 hours

What is the total time spent on the visit?

Mathematical sentence: \(3\space\text{hours}\space+\space2\space\text{hours}\space+\space1\space\text{hours}\space=\underline{\quad\quad}\,\text{hours}\)

\(\begin{array} {rr} \\\space3\;\;\text{hours} \\\;\;\;\space2\;\;\text{hours} \\+\;\;\;\space1\;\;\text{hours} \\\hline\;\;\;\space6\;\;\text{hours}\\\hline \end{array}\)

So, the total time spent on the visit is  6 hours.