Volume of Liquid

5.3 Volume of Liquid
We will learn about the units of liquids found in mathematics.

Liquid units:

  • Litre (\(\ell\))
  • Millilitre (\(\text{m}\ell\))

\(10\ell\) to \(\text{m}\ell\)

And vice versa,

\(10\,000\text{ m}\ell\) to \(\ell\)
\(10\text{ m}\ell\)

Volume of Liquid

5.3 Volume of Liquid
We will learn about the units of liquids found in mathematics.

Liquid units:

  • Litre (\(\ell\))
  • Millilitre (\(\text{m}\ell\))

\(10\ell\) to \(\text{m}\ell\)

And vice versa,

\(10\,000\text{ m}\ell\) to \(\ell\)
\(10\text{ m}\ell\)