
1.1  Integers

Positive and negative whole numbers including \(0\).

Positive numbers:
  • Numbers written with the '\(+\)' sign or without any sign.
  • Examples: \(+12, 4, +7, 1\)
  • Positive integers are integers that have a value greater than \(0\).
Negative numbers:
  • Numbers written with the '\(-\)' sign.
  • Examples: \(-6, -2, -15, -27\)
  • Negative integers are integers that are lower than \(0\).

Determine whether the following numbers is an integer.

(i) \(\dfrac{7}{2}\)

(ii) \(6.8\)

(iii) \(-12\)


(i) \(\dfrac{7}{2}\) is not an integer because it is a fraction.

(ii) \(6.8\) is not an integer because it is a decimal.

(iii) \(-12\) is an integer.

Integers on a number line:
  • On a number line, the numbers in the positive direction are always greater than the numbers in the negative direction.
Integers in order:
  • A positive number always has a larger value than a negative number.


1.1  Integers

Positive and negative whole numbers including \(0\).

Positive numbers:
  • Numbers written with the '\(+\)' sign or without any sign.
  • Examples: \(+12, 4, +7, 1\)
  • Positive integers are integers that have a value greater than \(0\).
Negative numbers:
  • Numbers written with the '\(-\)' sign.
  • Examples: \(-6, -2, -15, -27\)
  • Negative integers are integers that are lower than \(0\).

Determine whether the following numbers is an integer.

(i) \(\dfrac{7}{2}\)

(ii) \(6.8\)

(iii) \(-12\)


(i) \(\dfrac{7}{2}\) is not an integer because it is a fraction.

(ii) \(6.8\) is not an integer because it is a decimal.

(iii) \(-12\) is an integer.

Integers on a number line:
  • On a number line, the numbers in the positive direction are always greater than the numbers in the negative direction.
Integers in order:
  • A positive number always has a larger value than a negative number.