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Investigate factors affecting the rate of reactions through experiment, based on: (i) size of reactants, (ii) concentration, (iii) temperature, and (iv) use of catalyst
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Size of the Reactabt
Affect the rate of reaction of the reactants that are in solid form.
The smaller the size of the reactant, the larger the exposed total surface area, thus the rate of reaction is higher.
\(\text{Area of surfaces}\\ = \text{4 cm} \times \text{4 cm} \times 6\\ = \text{96 cm}^2\)
\(\text{Area of surfaces}\\ = \text{2 cm} \times \text{2 cm} \times 6 \times 8\\ = \text{192 cm}^2\)
The Concentration of the Reactant
Affect the rate of reaction of the reactants that are in the solution or liquid form.
The higher the concentration of the solution, the higher the number of particles per unit volume, the higher the rate of reaction.
Temperature of Reaction
The higher the temperature of the reaction, the higher the kinetic energy of the particles.
This causes the particles to move faster, thus the rate of reaction increases.
Related to collision theory.
Catalyst is a substance that can change the rate of a chemical reaction.
Characteristics of a catalyst;
Remains unchanged chemically or quantitatively.
Does not change the amount of product.
Only a small amount is needed.
Can increase the rate of reaction.
The action of the catalyst is specific.
Affect the rate of reaction of the reactants that are in the gas state.
The increasing pressure makes the gas denser.
The higher the pressure, the higher the rate of reaction.
Application of Factors that Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Size of the Reactant
Cut the chicken into smaller pieces before cooking.
The action of medicine is faster for the smaller medicine tablets.
The Concentration of the Reactant
Corrosion by acid rain.
Combustion of gasoline in a car engine.
Temperature of Reaction
Dissolve sugar in hot water.
Washing clothes is more efficient in warm water.
The use of vanadium(V) oxide in the Contact process.
Cooking meat in a pressure cooker.
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Size of the Reactabt
Affect the rate of reaction of the reactants that are in solid form.
The smaller the size of the reactant, the larger the exposed total surface area, thus the rate of reaction is higher.
\(\text{Area of surfaces}\\ = \text{4 cm} \times \text{4 cm} \times 6\\ = \text{96 cm}^2\)
\(\text{Area of surfaces}\\ = \text{2 cm} \times \text{2 cm} \times 6 \times 8\\ = \text{192 cm}^2\)
The Concentration of the Reactant
Affect the rate of reaction of the reactants that are in the solution or liquid form.
The higher the concentration of the solution, the higher the number of particles per unit volume, the higher the rate of reaction.
Temperature of Reaction
The higher the temperature of the reaction, the higher the kinetic energy of the particles.
This causes the particles to move faster, thus the rate of reaction increases.
Related to collision theory.
Catalyst is a substance that can change the rate of a chemical reaction.
Characteristics of a catalyst;
Remains unchanged chemically or quantitatively.
Does not change the amount of product.
Only a small amount is needed.
Can increase the rate of reaction.
The action of the catalyst is specific.
Affect the rate of reaction of the reactants that are in the gas state.
The increasing pressure makes the gas denser.
The higher the pressure, the higher the rate of reaction.
Application of Factors that Affecting the Rate of Reaction
Size of the Reactant
Cut the chicken into smaller pieces before cooking.
The action of medicine is faster for the smaller medicine tablets.
The Concentration of the Reactant
Corrosion by acid rain.
Combustion of gasoline in a car engine.
Temperature of Reaction
Dissolve sugar in hot water.
Washing clothes is more efficient in warm water.
The use of vanadium(V) oxide in the Contact process.
Cooking meat in a pressure cooker.
Chapter : Rate of Reaction
Topic : Investigate factors affecting the rate of reactions through experiment, based on: (i) size of reactants, (ii) concentration, (iii) temperature, and (iv) use of catalyst
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