Ionic and Covalent Compounds

5.7  Ionic and Covalent Compounds

Properties of Ionic Compounds and Covalent Compound

  • Ionic bond
    • Strong bond due to the electrostatic force.
    • The ions are arranged in orderly manners.


  • Covalent bond
    • The covalent compound consists of simple molecules.
    • The intermolecular force is weak.


The Difference Between Physical Properties of Ionic Compound and Covalent Bond



Ionic Compound

Covalent Compound


Non- volatile

Volatile, can change to vapour when heated

Electrical conductivity

Conduct electricity in the molten or aqueous state

Does not conduct electricity


Soluble in water, and polar solvent but insoluble in the organic solvent

Soluble in the organic solvent, but insoluble in water

Melting and boiling point

