Science Year 1

Manusia dan Haiwan
Class: Pandai
Tuesday 12 May 2020 09:00 am Completed Class

Apakah deria manusia? Apakah bahagian tubuh haiwan? Jom belajar bersama untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut.

Tutor: Cikgu Nur

Profession : Master Student
Qualification : Master in Mathematical Physics and Engineering, UPM

Teaching Experience : More than 5 Years
Teaching Mathematics for students Year 1 and Year 3 for almost 1 year (Private tuition). They had improved well and got A for Mathematics in school.
Do not have the online teaching experience but I am interested to try the online teaching method, ready to learn and gain a new experience of teaching.

Spoken Language :
Malay English

Target Student :
Average Below average