The diagram shows some durians.
Aiman thinks that the smells produced by durians are a physical quantity.
Is Aiman's opinion true?
Which of the following measuring instruments do not measures a base quantity?
Source: Trial SPM Pahang 2019
Convert the density of mercury from \(15.6 \space \text g \space \text c \text m^{-3}\) into \(\text {kg} \space \text m^{-3}\).
\(1.56 \times 10^4 \space \text {kg} \space \text m^{-3}\)
\(1.56 \times 10^3 \space \text {kg} \space \text m^{-3}\)
\(1.56 \times 10^2 \space \text {kg} \space \text m^{-3}\)
\(1.56 \times 10^1\space \text {kg} \space \text m^{-3}\)
The following equation is written in terms of base quantity.
\(X = \dfrac {\text {Mass} \times \text {Length}}{\text {Time} \times \text {Time}}\)
Which of the following quantity is \(X\)?
Source: Trial SPM Pahang 2017
Which quantity is a scalar quantity?
There is something wrong with this question.