Ohmic Conductor Experiment

Ohmic Conductor Experiment

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A conductor which obeys Ohm’ Law is called an ohmic conductor. Do the potential difference and the current vary according to Ohm’s Law for conductors such as a constantan wire and a bulb?


Ohmic Conductor Experiment

Inference: The potential difference across the conductor depends on the current flowing through it.

Hypothesis: The higher the current, the higher the potential difference across the conductor.

Aim: To study the relationship between the current and the potential difference of an ohmic conductor.


A: Ohmic conductor (a constantan wire)


(a) Manipulated: Current, II

(b) Responding: Potential different, V 

(c) Constant: Temperature, diameter and length of constant wire.


Apparatus: 6.0 V dry cell, switch, connecting wire, ammeter (0-1 A), voltmeter (multimeter), rheostat, constantan wire s.w.g 24.


Please answer:

1. Record the voltmeter readings in Table 1.1.

2. Plot the graph of V against I from the table. Use the graph paper provided.

3. State your own conclusion from the graphs.

TABLE 1.1 (Ohmic Conductor)


Data analysis: Plot graph of potential difference, V against current, I for experiment A 

Conclusion: What conclusion can be drawn from the experiment?

Prepare a complete report of experiment A and experiment B.

Discussion: Based on the graph of V against I, compare the shape and gradients of the graph.





Form 5 Physics Textbook KSSM


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