Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part Two)

Managing Conflict At The Workplace (Part Two)

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  • Any working organization will not survive if conflict occurs. Therefore, everybody in the organization has to give their full support to generate revenue and productivity for the organization.
  • Employees must take full measures in advance to ensure that conflicts do not occur in the workplace. 
  • Employees are the assets of any organization and therefore, they must feel motivated to perform their jobs well. 
  • No employee can work alone and instead has to depend on other fellow friends to produce the maximum output.
  • Conflict Management plays a very vital role at workplaces. It avoids unnecessary fights and makes offices conducive, healthy and a better place to work. 



Prachi (2021) discussed some roles of conflict management.

  • Conflicts may result to waste of time. Time should be well consumed and utilized in producing productive outcome rather than fighting with each other. 
  • Therefore, Conflict Management needs to plays an important role to avoid conflicts happen constantly in the workplace. 
  • Conflict Management helps to prevent eruptions of fights and allows employees to be serious about their work. 
  • Conflict Management can also help to reduce tensions among the employees and thus, enables them to feel motivated to give their level best to the organization. 
  • Conflict Management helps in the strengthening of bond among the employees and everyone is ready to help each other. 
  • Good relations improve and people feel motivated to work together and strive hard to give best possible results. 



Can conflicts be avoided in the workplace? The answer is Yes!  Prachi (2021) proposed some of the strategies to avoid conflicts in the workplace.

1.   Never leave any problem unattended. A small problem can eventually become a major reason to worry later on. Try to address problems that occur on an open platform and all related employees must be invited. Official communications must be made through emails as it is more reliable and transparent.

Employees must avoid gossips and back bitings in the workplace as it is considered seriously unprofessional and can lead to conflicts among individuals. 

The leader of the organization should know the strengths of his team members and should assign the responsibilities keeping in mind their interests and experties.

2.   Communication plays a very important role in avoiding conflicts at work place. The delivery of speech during communication must be very clear and precise. 

3.   Develop the habit of using planners to avoid forgetting important dates and tasks. Blame game and back bitings must be avoided strictly. It does not provide solution to the problem but instead will add more to the problems. 

Try to learn to own your responsibilities. Do not pass on the blame to other colleagues. Personal and professional life must be kept separated.

4.   Never carry your problems to work as it never allows you to concentrate in your work. As an employee, the office work must focus first whist personal interest must be kept on the backburner. Try to trust others and always approach the right person at the workplace. 

  • Do not spread rumors unnecessarily. Do not be too adamant at the workplace. You need to be a little adjustable and flexible. 
  • Every employee must try to compromise to the best possible and also try to find out an alternative. Create a healthy and a professional environment at the office. As a result, you will enjoy working.



  • In conclusion, conflicts do always occur in the workplace. However, steps must be taken fast and at the right time to avoid unnecessary quarrels and disagreements.
  • Conflict can spoil the ambience and reduces the productivity of the employees if no prevention is taken. They will feel highly unhappy, not motivated and thus do not feel enjoy going to work. 
  • As a result, employees will waste most of their time, energy and nothing productive can be expected out of them. Then, ultimately the workplace or organization that you work will be at loss.








Conflict Management At Workplace, Prachi Juneja, New Delhi, Management Study Guide  2021



Tag Workplace Management Conflict Strategies Employees Roles


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